How can I create my own data catalog ?
The DataScientia foundation provides a data catalog template, developed in JKAN, which can be customized by following you needs. Contact the DataScientia support to get the template, and become part of the community with your own catalog.
Can I upload my own data ?
Register to the catalog you are interested in, by clicking the "Login" button on top. You will become an active member of the community, with possibility to upload your data on the Catalog in which you registered. Once logged in, the "Add datasets" option will appear to let you upload your data.
What information should I provide when uploading data ?
During the upload procedure you will be asked to fill mandatory information regarding your data. Such information is required in order to maintain the connection between your data and the whole DataScientia community. Follow the upload procedure to check which information is required to enable your data to be found and used properly.
What are the meanings of the Categories in the catalog ?
"Dataset" refers to a single dataset (e.g 2018-SU2-Trento-Accelerometer Event), recognised by year (2018), acronym for the data collection experiment (SU2 for SmartUnitn2), site (Trento), and the name of the sensor or contribution dataset (accelerometer event). Dataset bundle is a grouping of similar datasets, for example, 2018-SU2-Trento-Connectivity contains the sensors classified under the connectivity, such as bluetooth and wifi. A project is a data collection experiment carried out in a given location, such as 2018-Smart Unitn 2-Trento, Experiment contains all the projects in the same data collection, such as Wenet Diversity 1.
Do you have any other questions ?
The DataScientia technical support is at your disposal. Contact Us.